After the turbulence of last year, the dentistry industry took a bit of a shock. Thankfully, our dentist in Orpington is back to full capacity and with all the modifications needed to continue to operate through any future lockdowns, we are happy to inform you that our dentist in Orpington are now accepting new NHS patients. The clinic has 50 years of experience of operating through many issues and continuing to serve our local community regardless.
Cray Dental Care has always been an inclusive dental surgery; our ethos has been that dentistry is a requirement that everybody ought to have full access to. During the recent disruption, we did our utmost to continue that philosophy. Thankfully, dentistry has always been an industry with a heavy emphasis on hygiene and disease control so it wasn't too difficult for us to meet all of the government guidelines and get back to work.
Providing excellent dental care
There have been other challenges to providing excellent dental care and securing our supply chains in order to make sure only the highest quality materials were available for our treatments, but this has been challenging with disruptions to global shipping. We've come out the other side stronger than ever! Our clinical staff really displayed their commitment and excellent chairside manner. Unfortunately, during the peak of restrictions, we did have to prioritise appointments to fully registered patients. If you struggled with seeing a dentist during the restrictions and would like to future proof your dental care, now would be an excellent time to join our patient list. Dental staff are now considered key workers and our clinic will not be disrupted during any future lockdowns if there was a sudden need for emergency NHS appointments.
Preventive treatments
We are also at the frontline of administering preventive dental treatments if you have a history of either tooth decay or gum disease. We can provide sealants to protect your teeth against decay or acid erosion and can also show you how to use interdental brushes to remove plaque; very important if your teeth are misaligned and are therefore harder to clean correctly. Or, if you are undertaking a brace that is fitted to your teeth, we can show you how this brushing technique can keep your brace and teeth in top condition until the brace is removed.
We are extremely proud of the way we've managed to maintain our quality of care and actually progress our surgery despite the headwind. A full range of cosmetic treatments are still available at our dentist in Orpington and we've seen an increase in the adoption rate of dermal fillers for both cheeks and lips as more and more patients realise that a dental clinic is far more equipped and professional when it comes to facial enhancements.
If you are experiencing a dental emergency or wish to explore our full treatment options, feel free to get in contact with the clinic as part of registering as a new patient; we include a full dental check-up in order to explore your current dental needs if any. We do practice orthodontics in our clinic. If you are changing dentists midway through orthodontic treatment please inform us of your previous clinic so we can get access to your full dental records.